Little kids as rock critics: It sounds like when your wee goes back up.
Monthly Archives: January 2004
A sneak preview just for you: Biva is a new satirical zine created by (anonymous) London lesbians who got sick of the advertiser-biased mainstream gay press. It’s not officially live yet, and there might be some bits to tidy up, but enjoy!
All manner of cool things today, from the amusing reviews, new forms of matter to the strange: Jesus juice, and Bush and Blair were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Lovely photos of England’s snowfalls.
Here is a picture of a giant cock.
Christ on a stick. David Hasselhoff says, “”I find it a bit sad that there is no photo of me hanging on the walls in the Berlin Museum at Check-Point Charlie.
Many Americans joke about my popularity in Germany. But they have no idea how beautiful Europe is and how rich it is in culture and fun and warmth and children.” (ananova)
Janet Frame died last night.
I’m going to have some trees planted to make my long-haul flights carbon neutral, which makes my hippy heart glad.
I never know how good these are, but I guess I also set out to confuse them. So, here’s another ‘if you like that…‘ music site.
Belated remembrance of Australia Day: Factsheets on racism and Australia’s history.
” Independent MP and SA parliamentary speaker Peter Lewis said Australia’s national day should be May 9, to commemorate the meeting of the nation’s first parliament in 1901.
“It gives me no pleasure or delight to celebrate the settlement of a penal colony called New South Wales, which resulted in untold misery and acrimony because of the fashion in which it was done,” Mr Lewis said in a statement.”
“However, the courage of early European settlers in bringing “civilising notions” to Australia should be applauded, he said.
“(They) enabled the emergence of one single, free, self-governing, literate and numerate democratic nation to emerge as a result, with one citizenship, one language and equal opportunity for all as basic tenets of society,” Mr Lewis said. ”
And finally, “Fewer than one in three Australians want the Queen to be the nation’s head of state.”