Wired on blogger burnout.
Speaking of, no more posts from me for a while, unless I can sneak time online over the dodgy dialup.
Monthly Archives: July 2004
“Security flaws in Microsoft’s web browser are prompting internet users to try alternatives, research suggests.
The number of people using Internet Explorer (IE) has dropped by one percent in the past four weeks, according to US analysts WebSideStory.” (BBC)
The Pixies rock! Death to the Pixies! Rah!
My trip to Manchester to see the Pixies was great fun. Ok, they’re a little older, a little slower, but they still rock.
Manchester was interesting. I hadn’t realised how small it was. Canal Street was smaller than I expected, and full of hen’s parties, but that might have been because everyone else was at a monthly dance party. The city centre is like a shrine to shopping – huge flagship stores and not much else to see.
I’m off tomorrow to work in Turkey for a week. It’s going to be nice and warm so at least I’ll get some sunshine even if there hasn’t been much here.
“Australia is a less polite country today than it was in the past and more civility will make the nation better, Prime Minister John Howard says.” (Age) More civility, less civil rights. Nice priorities, John.
“Australia will suffer from severe water shortages and more wild weather if it fails to cut its greenhouse gas emissions, a report says.
Australia, which has one the world’s highest gas emissions, has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol on climate change.
But Prime Minister John Howard believes that ratifying the Kyoto Protocol on climate change would cost jobs and damage industry.
Mr Howard said the global agreement would be meaningless without the support of the United States, which has also rejected it.” (BBC)
“Residents in Australia’s capital city have been warned to beware starving kangaroos after a spate of attacks.” (BBC)
A man was attacked (and I think killed) by a big red kangaroo in the nature reserve at my uni the week before I started. Amazing what can happen it the suburbs of Melbourne.
Went to see the Russian Landscapes exhibition at a National Gallery Wednesday Lates last night. There were a few really good pieces but it did reinforce that landscapes aren’t generally my thing. We went to the Cafe in the Crypt afterwards, where I experienced the closest thing I’ve had to a British school dinner, except apparently the food was too nice to count.
In other news I finally saw the 1920s exhibition at the Museum of London. Hurry down to see the most gorgeous dresses and shoes ever (and I’m not a dresses or shoes person, so they must be good).
Aboriginals: Foreigners in their own land? (BBC)
Very cool idea, buzzwordy name – freeway blogging.
I haven’t had a chance to read this so it’s a reminder for me as much as anything else.
“Australian nonchalance can hide an unwillingness to look squarely at the country’s race problems”