6 thoughts on “

  1. Craig says:

    You really are my favourite geek 😉
    I want one of these…
    … and I’ve been meaning to blog about it for days.

  2. Michael says:

    ohmygawd that’s so cool. I want one too! and like a sonic ‘mold away’ or something to go with it 🙁

  3. mia says:

    Craig, why am I not surprised? 🙂
    Michael, you’ve been in England too long if mould is your first thought!

  4. Sarah says:

    Yes – you should know them off by heart already, including atomic number and which group they belong to. Tsk!

  5. mia says:

    I’ll need to know them if I’m ever going to be on University Challenge.
    Would it be wrong to choose a uni based on the likelihood of them getting a UC team together?

  6. Craig says:

    Mia, you obviously know me too well 🙂
    Oh btw, can I please please please have your recipe for blackened sesame salad?
    I’ve drooled at the memories of our soiree in the park at Midsumma in the sun all those years ago 🙂

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