Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 15:26:05 -0800 From: J Cox Subject: Me My name is Allen Jacobsen.I want to be your boy.I will do anything you say forever. Please send me directions. Anything Gosh. But why doesn’t your name match your email address?
Category Archives: 1999
‘You are sick!’
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 08:35:53 EST Subject: You are sick! People Magazine will be happy to see this. I sat by the phone waiting for a call from People for *ages* after this comment. They never rang.
‘she’s from Charlemagne’
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 15:26:31 EST From: name=Chandraalien=Nocomments=Her skin isn’t really green sillyShe isn’t from Pracsehs- she’s from Charlemagne Her voice is very rare and that’s why it seems sh e is not from earth Phew, thanks for clearing that up for us! By the way, did you all notice that ‘Pracsehs’ is […]
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 17:35:510100 (MET) From: “yves montandon” name=LUDOVICalien=Nocomments=BUT IF SHE IS AN ALIEN SHE’S A GREAT ALIEN…AND I HOPE THAT A LOT OF ALIENS LIKE SHE CAN GO ON THE EARTH. I admire your pragmatism.
‘YOU SAD PERSON get a life’
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 21:03:480000 From:Gordon Woulfe name=Krissten Muhlander alien=No comments=YOU SAD PERSON get a life They never tell me what kind of life to get. A life mocking over-hyped celebrities probably isn’t what they mean, but unless they’re more specific how am I to know?
‘This is so stupid. Get a life’
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 17:37:18 EST name=DDCelinealien=Nocomments=This is so stupid. Get a life I’m not the one posting on Valentine’s Day. I’m just saying.
‘I think you should have something better to do in your Jacked-up life!’
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 16:10:46 EST Subject: How stupid can you be? I think you should have something better to do in your Jacked-up life! I mean, what’s up with you just coloring her skin like that?You just want some attention or something like that? You think we human beings would believe that […]