More from the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival:
This is really hard to review, partly because it’s part of a PhD thesis and in some ways is quite a personal project, and partly because it’s so London/Wotever-centric. It still feels like a work in progress. I think it must be very difficult to edit a film you’ve made with/about your friends, and within those constraints it’s a good film; but without those constraints it might have been a better film. But I really liked it as an experimental or exploratory film, and I liked it as a showcase for Club Wotever. It had lots of interesting ideas and I could imagine some of them being made into more focussed short films.
(I abuse the word ‘really’ almost as much as I abuse the word ‘lovely’. And Bar Wotever afterwards was lots of fun and I didn’t even have a hangover the next day.)